Monday, July 3, 2017

Happily Mauied!

Our honeymoon was better than we could have ever expected.
Hawaii was always a pipe dream for us both,
but when planning our honeymoon, thanks to Costco Travel,
we realized that maybe it was more within our reach than we had originally thought. 
We stayed in Maui for 7 nights and are already
searching for ways to return.

In an effort to truly capture our whole experience,
I am going to take my time documenting each day of our trip.

Our first day was consumed mostly by travel.
We were supposed to have two connecting flights before arriving to Maui,
but due to mechanical issues with the place in Texas,
we actually never made our connection in Phoenix and took a direct flight
to Maui from Dallas. It was a long haul that we weren't exactly prepared for.
We had no food, water, movies, or games to keep us occupied on the nearly 8 hour flight.
We were obviously thankful to be arriving to our destination on the day scheduled
and not the next (like our luggage) but we definitely were on the struggle bus by the end of the flight.

When we got to Maui, we waited in the airport for our luggage to show up,
but it never did. Thankfully we had packed some clothes in our carry-on luggage,
but the majority of what we needed for the week was in our large checked bag.

After spending way too long in the airport, 
we headed to Avis Car Rental to pick up our vehicle.
We opted to upgrade and spring for the Jeep since it was only $15 extra a day.
(We are SO glad we did too!)

Since I had not eaten in almost 16 hours, 
our first stop was to Costco (which was very close to the airport)
to pick up some groceries and snacks.

Our drive to our resort, Lahaina Shores, was scenic but very slow.
The worst traffic we encountered the entire trip was this drive.
We are not really sure why there was so much traffic on that particular day
but we did hear a rumor that a sea lion was washed ashore and somehow 
landed in the middle of the road. 

When we made it to our hotel, we grabbed a few essentials at the 
nearby Whaler's General Store, ate some food, and walked the beach.
Since the time difference was significant (6 hours behind), we had a hard time staying awake.
Despite not having our luggage, we were in great spirits and excited for our week ahead.

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