Friday, July 21, 2017

Maui - Day 3

On Day 3 we took some intentional time to relax and let our bodies fully adjust to the time difference.

We explored the Lahaina's shops, 
found a nearby lighthouse to sit by and watched the waves crash on the rocks below, 
and watched the beautiful sunset while eating pineapple ice cream.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Maui - Day Two

Due to the six hour time change,
we used our internal clock still being set to Kentucky time to our advantage.
We woke up at 2:30AM and drove to Haleakala National Park
to watch the sunrise at Maui's highest peak (10,023 ft above sea level).
It was truly magical.

As we drove up the side of the volcano we stopped to look at the stars, 
the moon, and even the planet Venus!
Once we made it to the top, 
we stayed in the observatory and waited for the sun to rise in all it's glory.
It was an experience we will never forget.


After watching the sun rise, we ventured to the road to Hana.

Image result for road to hana 
I am posting the above Google Image of the Road to Hana to remember how windy the road truly is,
although I doubt I will ever forget.

We had a pretty great time driving TO Hana, stopping to see many sights and to shop.
But when we realized that we had to drive the 
same windy road BACK to get to our resort I nearly had a mental breakdown.
It took us about 3 hours to drive from Haleakala National Park to Hana Beach.

On the way back we decided not to stop for any reason other than to buy water and/or pineapple.
Thankfully, Craig is an amazing driver and really took care of me 
as I reclined the passenger seat and fell asleep for almost the whole drive back.
Just two miles from our starting point (where we knew there was cut up pineapple),
I asked Craig to pull over and I started to dry heave.
All the turns and the heat finally caught up to me and I started to cry.
