Tuesday, February 27, 2018

IVF Update

We switched facilities with high hopes that this would be the answer 
to our never-ending prayers.

We have been very happy at our new fertility clinic,
however, we just experience another failed cycle.

This round we were much more successful in developing embryos, 
we ended up with 4 in fact. Twice as many as last time!
We opted for a fresh transfer with the healthiest embryo
and found out on Friday that it failed.
Our heartache is real. 

We have 3 frozen embryos left, 
but we are too heartbroken right now to even think of next steps.
We are going to take some time to grieve and rest before 
planning our next transfer.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Graycie Scarlett

Today we surprised the kids with a brand new puppy.
She is a Golden-doodle from Bardstown, KY
and her name is Graycie Scarlett (after Ohio State's colors).

The kids were shocked to say the least!
They both exclaimed, "This is the BEST DAY EVER!"

^^^ Picking her out at the breeder's house. ^^^

^^^ Love at first sight! ^^^

^^^ Happy Birthday, Craig! ^^^
We love you!

^^^ The car ride home. ^^^
Poor Graycie did get sick twice on our drive, but once we got home she settled right in.

^^^ Our first family portrait. (Notice: I am X'ed out.) ^^^
We are all absolutely smitten with Graycie, but little Greta did 
struggle with all the attention she was receiving from me. 
She kept wondering if I was EVER going to pay attention to her again
now that Graycie was here.  
(Look at her pouting in the picture below. I can't help but laugh!)

^^^ Greta and Graycie -- drawn by Greta ^^^