Thursday, November 1, 2018

Monday, October 8, 2018

Sunday, June 3, 2018

1st Anniversary

We've made it! 
We survived our first year of marriage,
blending a family, and all that entails.

It has been a hard year, 
not only for the obvious reasons,
but also with our disappointing journey through IVF.

Despite all the hardship, 
I cannot imagine another partner by my side.
Craig is my other half, my one and only.

Praise God for my amazing husband
and our beautiful blended family.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Greta's 5th Birthday Party at the Farm

This year for Greta's friend party, 
we went to the farm to ride Peaches, 
play pin the tail on the horse,
create bubbles, and break open a piƱata. 

^^^ Greta's stepmom, Amanda, brought these adorable cupcakes ^^^
that her stepmom, Lisa, made for the party.

^^^ I had cookies made by Annie Pie's Sweet Treats. ^^^
Local friends, I HIGHLY recommend!!

^^^ Greta could not wait to hop up on Peaces. ^^^